Tuesday, May 3, 2011



I have lost it!!! my inspiration, that is. Many things happening, 99 % excellent only 1 % is consuming me, it has to do with My Boricua's health. Prayers are welcome.


Julie said...

Cotty, I couldn't get a comment to post last week, but now I can! Thanks so much for the update...I hope that the news and reports you are getting are encouraging you..I hop that being close to family makes it a lot easier to handle as you still have to hope over all these hurdles and jump through hoops to get what your dear hubby needs..
YES...I will continue to pray...Life is about waiting...yes?...And God just continues to carve on that PATIENCE detail in us...sigh....Hugs to you dear Cotty. thank you again for letting me know how it is going. As summer approaches I hope you will get some fun and recreational time out there with your family and little "cubs" and relaxing bonding time with your husband. Stress is hard, and too much can really knock you down for the count... Love ya! God bless you as you wait on HIS timing and plans... xo

CACHANILLA73 said...

Julie! thank you, I knew you were having problems with the comments and I KNEW you were praying. And yes!! Our Lord keeps working in our patience. The news are ok, I would of prefer a non existing condition, but according to the specialist it is still very early it hasn't develop yet, but it is good because if He would of wait the 10 years recommended then it would of been bad news.
Thank you for all your prayers, thank you for your kind words of encouragement. Please never forget that you and your family are always in my prayers.
And yes!! I realize I need to learn to relax and take of myself, it isn't easy, buy I'm learning.
Hugs to you too ;)