Friday, December 10, 2010

♫ ♪ Oh Christmas Tree, Oh Christmas Tree We are still waiting.... ♪ ♫

That's right, still waiting. And oh it has been so hard. It was a month since the medical exams. My Boricua's File is already at the desk of the officer in charge to make a decision on the retirement claim. There are so many benefits at risk, educational, financial and health to name a few.

There is not much I can do but I can do one thing, PRAY, and oh we have been praying. There are moments when I believe I don't have any strength to keep going but when I see my kids sleeping at night... oh that moves me, they irradiate a peace like no other, an eternal peace and suddenly I feel I can do anything, I feel God's love for Us.

This year God showed us how amazing his power is, how inmense his mercy is. We are here!!! finally here, closer to my Familia than I ever thought. We celebrated our FIRST Thanksgiving together and we are looking forward to celebrate Christmas with them for the first time in 13 YEARS, wow!!!! I get goosebumbs just to write about this.

I am very thankful for all your prayers, good wishes, good vibes. Thank You. And while we wait I try to keep our home cozy in this season, The Most Wonderful Time of The Year. Best wishes for all of you.

My cat "Machete", playing with a gold ornament He knocked down from our tree.

My nieces and nephew with my kids enjoying a delicious family meal at our home. This is PRICELES.

Our Christmas Tree...

Wednesday, November 10, 2010

Blues on Rednesday...

Well, they came and went, that is My Boricua's appoinments for the retirement. It seems ages ago that I was worried sick about those medical exams. In one or two months we will have the answer, but now I feel 'funny', I don't know how to describe it, blues??? maybe. These past 3 years have been a roller coaster ride plus the Holiday$$$ are here!!!! .

And to keep my mind busy I have been to the flea market several times, I have found so many treasures, here are few of my red ones.

Red tray....

Feeling the Holidays? Got this renuzit air freshener... mmmhhh apples and cinnamon.

Kitchen gadgets on sale and in Red.

Found this great and cute basket with Scotties for only 2 dlls.!!!

Cute 4th. of July sock on sale... .75 cts. ea. pair.

Toy Story Toy Soldiers for my Bambino... well, we all play with them lol and of course Toy Story Comforter with a free Frisbee we got with my new blue Russian kitten.

Some chips from My Beautiful Mexico, years and years without having this brand.

Another gorgeous sunset here at Imperial Valley.

Wanted to see this movie for ages, found it for 1 dollar.

And to celebrate the USMC Birthday today and tomorrow Veterans Day, this gorgeous wreath from the VA Hospital at Syracuse, just love it.

And last an UPDATE on my almost gone finger, lol...

YES!!! the my finger is heal and guess what???? I got my 'fake' nails again!!!!! ooohhh yeaaahhh!!!

Monday, November 1, 2010

Almost Here....

Well, My Boricua is already back in the East for those 3 evaluations. He left with his heart broken. We miss him so much. My heart is broken too. I always go with him to his medical appointments, I know this pension exams are very stressful and My Boricua is very anxious. Tomorrow is almost here and soon it will be 'yesterday'. A few more hours and the waiting will be over.

This mornig while My Girl and I were waiting for my sister to pick her up for a ride to school, we observe this AMAZING sunrise here in sunny California. She has grown so much this weeks, she is more confident. I'm proud of Her. Yesterday, when her Daddy left, I couldn't say a prayer, my eyes were full of tears, so there, in the middle of my girl's bedroom, we hold hands and She said the most beautiful prayer for her Daddy, just what my heart wanted to say but was unable due to the emotion of seen My Boricua leave.

My Boricua will be back Wednesday, I have already planned his favorite meal, Our Girls will bake him a chocolate cake and we will be waiting for him.... yeah, wednesday is Almost Here.... ♥

Tuesday, October 26, 2010

Des-poo-ca-boo Rednesday.....

Wow...!!! A lot of things happened since my last "rednesday" and/or "ruby tuesday". We are living in the West Coast now, My Bambino started kindergarden, and the VA pulled a fast one on Us, it is despoocaboo!!!!!

My Boricua has to be evaluated again next week. This is, I hope, the last battle with the VA. There are so many benefits in 'the air' until My Boricua receives the full retirement. I have so much in my mind right now, that I am getting a worried that I am not worried at all!!! Do you understand what I mean??? We were waiting for this evaluation until January or March, it just came unexpected.

Still, if You find it in your hearts, can You please say a prayer for Us? I know My Boricua it's anxious about these appoinments and we just want Him to receive all the benefits He earned by his service to Our Great Nation.

Now for my REDS and Rubies, here are a few pictures from our daily, ordinary life that I LOVE.

A walk to a park in Oswego NY.

An amaizing red sunset in Oswego, NY.

Getting ready for Christmas yet??? Not me.... this is a pic from last Christmas. Just LOVE it.

I still remember this night, kind of 'eerie' but peaceful at the same time.

No more snow for me....!!!!

Thursday, October 14, 2010

I am still alive...

It's Me.... I am still here. It has been awhile since the last post. We have moved cross Country, from the East to the West. We are closer than I imagined to Family and that is Good.

We have faced new challenges, a few tears from fear, but with the Power of Prayer and the Power of God we are conquering those fears.

I have been getting new old things.... We left all our material possessions ( well 99 % ) back East... There is an amazing flea market open THE SEVEN DAYS of the week!! I found my best find EVER, I have wanted one of this for a looooooong time, a white goose down top featherbed from Macy's still in the bag with a price tag of 280 dollars, YES!!! for 280 DOLLARS.... for... are You ready for this? ONLY 4 DOLLARS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

A reminder from Above... No matter where I am He will take care of Me. He knows my dreams, fears, and even those silly desires of my heart.

We got GREAT Unexpected News for My Boricua and at the same time we got news of another set of Medical Exams via Department of Veterans Affairs... when are they going to accept the fact that My Beloved Boricua is ill due to his Military Service? specifically for those months in combat defending our Great Nation? Why is so hard to take care of our Veterans, if the Military broke it They Should Pay For It!!!!!!!!!!

For a moment I started to feel a panic attack then I realized this is "A Blessing in Disguised"... The Battle Belongs To The Lord!

Tuesday, September 7, 2010

Windy Red-nesday

Well, I can smell the winds of change...... and I don't like it. I don't like change, I like things calm and bored. All of a sudden there is an opportunity, an opportunity I have been waiting for a long time, but now that is so close I have second thoughts, what if is not what I expected?, what if the kids don't like it?, what if it's not the right time?, is this the best for our kids? But.... if I let this opportunity go by I will be wondering "What If.... I took the chance, what if I did make the move?... Human Nature, NEVER satisfied.

My Bambino's bedroom, lots of red in here. My kids bedrooms is my favorite corner of our home, they are full with dreams, peace, innocence.

I know that God is in control and I wonder if He allowed this 'sudden' opportunity because I have been asking for it for months, but I never expected it to be this way, You see, I had "planned" every single detail in my mind and of course NOTHING is going as I planned, maybe He wants to see if I trust Him, not the bank account, not the car, not ourselves, maybe He wants to see if I really got this little thing called "faith" right.

Dinosaur BB-Q this delicious red sauce makes the best ribs in The USA yuuuummm!!

I know HE CAN DO EVERYTHING, for Him there is NO IMPOSSIBLE, but there is this part of my carnal body that wants to have the control and there is an internal battle going on, just as Paul said : “I do the things I don’t want to do but the things I want to do those I don’t do”.

Wednesday, August 11, 2010

Aromatic Rednesday

Well we are still waiting..... waiting for an answer on the claim for health and college benefits, My Boricua is not able to work anymore by doctors orders. It has been hard on Him, He has always been a provider and to keep our mental and marital sanity we go thrifty hunting. I got this Land's End red suede shoes, brand new for $ 4 dlls.

But I hit the jack pot last week at a Salvation Army Store. I almost fainted when I saw this at the table where all the "insignificant" things are placed , ( well it was actually My Boricua who spotted it first) a Channel No. 5 box with the bottom opened. I thought "it is empty" because I couldn't see how much perfume was inside the black bottle.

But it turned out to be a 'refillable' container, My Boricua found that inside was the actual bottle of perfume almost full, oh Blessed is Our Lord!!!! the price? ONLY $ 3.99 dlls. Can you believe it?! What a wonderful gift, You know, I got emotional about this because I wanted this perfume. My Boricua gave me one last year and it is almost gone. Our Lord DOES know our heart desires.

But.... the gifts didn't end there, next to it I found this perfume by Nina Ricci, "L'Air du Temps", almost full, too.

Same price $ 3.99 dlls. I believe they belonged to the same Lady and I think She was a very elegant Lady, and next to it I found this....

A cute box. The bottom says CORT "Quartette" 4-one dram perfumes. Cort cosmetics, Inc. Dist. Stamford, Conn. Same price $ 3.99 dlls.

They have different names, Golden Night, Showers of Flowers, Ce Soir and Romance, all made in The USA!! ;)

I think these gifts were a remainder from Our Lord, since tomorrow My Boricua will have 2 more medical exams for other type of benefits. These gifts were unexpected, beyond
my expectations. So I know whatever the results from tomorrow exams and the pending VA Claim, He WILL PROVIDE beyond my expectations.....

Thursday, August 5, 2010


This have been a 'funny summer', well we don't get much of a summer here in NY, but we have had several days with high humidity so everyone is going 'crazy' because of the heat wave.

I just noticed something very strange, the trees didn't bloom as other years, their foliage isn't as beautiful and thick as other years and even some trees got fall foliage on them.

While all this is happening we are waiting, too. It was a great gift from Our Lord to win My Boricua's claim. It has been very emotional, for once we are very grateful and at the same time is very sad because we can't ignore the fact that My Boricua is sick and our lives will never be the same or at least 'normal'.

I don't complain, because I have learned to live one day at the time, we no longer make plans for future dates or movie nights, because we don't know how My Boricua will feel that specific day, instead He will tell me if his pain is somewhat manageable and than we'll go from there. I love him so much it just breaks my heart to see him in pain.

Beautiful sunset in Syracuse...

Heavenly sky....

Monday, July 26, 2010

First Ruby Tuesday....

I have been a fan of REDnesday and now I am joining the Ruby Tuesday Club.

Thrifted peppers bowls, too bad they only had two.

Patriotic cake baked by my Stepdaughter to celebrate the 4th. of July. This Independence Day was a very happy and blessed one, My Boricua won his pending claim at the DVA on July 3rd. oh YES!!! that day was a HAPPY DAY. Can You Believe this is the FIRST time She did a fondant covered cake??? Not bad at all.... We are so proud of Her.

Sunday, July 18, 2010

A Great Find...

Not one BUT two pairs of Ralph Lauren shoes..... Oh Yeahhhhh!!!! $4.99 each pair. They are absolutely GORGEOUS!! the details are amazing.

Again a 'little' present from Our Lord. He does know how much I looooveee shoes, and these ones were outta my league, with a price tag of $500 dlls. a pair, I could never had peace of mind if I had to pay that amount. But oh what a great find they were, they were waiting for my at the Salvation Army Store.

Saturday, July 3, 2010

Oh Happy Day....!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Thank You Lord, thank You, thank You.... How amazing You are.... You have listened our prayers, You did listen Lord!!!! I just can say Thank You, Thank You....!!!!!

Thanks for ALL YOUR PRAYERS Our Lord is GOOD....

"Amazing Grace, how sweet the sound,
That saved a wretch like me....
I once was lost but now am found,
Was blind, but now, I see.

T'was Grace that taught...
my heart to fear.
And Grace, my fears relieved.
How precious did that Grace appear...
the hour I first believed.

Through many dangers, toils and snares...
we have already come.
T'was Grace that brought us safe thus far...
and Grace will lead us home.

The Lord has promised good to me...
His word my hope secures.
He will my shield and portion be...
as long as life endures.

Yea, when this flesh and heart shall fail,
and mortal life shall cease,
I shall possess within the veil,
a life of joy and peace.

When we've been here ten thousand years...
bright shining as the sun.
We've no less days to sing God's praise...
then when we've first begun.

"Amazing Grace, how sweet the sound,
That saved a wretch like me....
I once was lost but now am found,
Was blind, but now, I see.

Sunday, June 20, 2010

Another Father's Day Without You....

You left us on december 26th. 1999. You didn't have the chance to experience the internet, cell phones, web cams, and You missed the "New Millenium". But what You missed most was my kids. Everyday I think of You, your smile, your laugh, your 'big words', but what I miss most is your stories about your birthplace, "The Land of God", you called it.

I didn't know about that terrible day when You found your dear father hurt by his own hands until after You were gone, that day I cried so much, I cried several days for You, for the pain you had to endure, I cried for that young boy who experienced one of the most traumatic events in life. You were still in pain for the lost of your beloved Mother when You lost your Father.

You took care of your brothers and sisters, You never saw them like so. For You, they were your kids. I just learned that You made a promise to your dear Mother, You did good Daddy, You took care of all them.

Rest Daddy, rest knowing My Boricua is taking care of me, just the way You asked Him when I left all You to follow Him. He is a great Dad, just like You.

Thank you Daddy.... Te extraƱo.... I miss You....

Thursday, June 17, 2010

Almost over.....

We are back.... well since a few hours ago, but we were so tired we went to sleep. I want to thank all of you for your prayers, your words were so sweet and kind. Thank You.

To our surprise the exam was performed by a nurse practitioner. We were expecting a specialist. I couldn't go inside the examination room, but My Boricua told me She looked sort of surprise He was there. My Boricua was diagnosed with fibromyalgia in 2008, all his treatments and therapies are stated in his file. She just confirmed the diagnose. She told him She will send the results as soon as possible to Buffalo NY where the rating board will make a decision.

At the end we came out as puzzled as before going in. We should get the results in about 30 to 60 days. That's the VA for you. We are just glad this is over so we can move on with our lives.... and today was the perfect day to do that. I watched the soccer game between My Beautiful Mexico Vs. France, I jumped, screamed, yelled, cried, laughed and celebrated each of the 2 goals from Mexico.

It felt soooooo good to do '
normal' things again, well normal according to me, because my 3 kids were looking at me with bewildered eyes while I was screaming my heart out of happiness with the victory of my team. I told them, YES!! this is your mama's passion for soccer so get use to it for the next 4 weeks. LOL....

I think the "
face" was a little too much..... well I think not..!!!

Wednesday, June 16, 2010

Memory Lane Rednesday....

For this Rednesday I have a new RED template, thanks to my friend Blo . Love it.

Well, the dateline is here, tomorrow at 8:00 am, we'll be at the VA hospital, My Boricua has a C&P examen for his fibromyalgia, a Gulf War Presumtive Illness by decret of the Director of Veterans Affairs, I shouldn't be worried since My Boricua was in combat for 6 months during the Gulf War, but.... the DVA can pull a fast one when you least expect it.

There is so much in jeopardy, not only monetary, but educational and medical benefits for our kids too. It has been a long, long battle. I am tired, mentally, phisically and at some point spiritually, but here I am with Faith, with Hope, with a thankful heart for the many praying for an excellent outcome. My special thanks to Julie.

Here are my REDS fill with memories.....

One of my birthdays in Mexico, oh those memories help me so much!!! That RED couch lasted for ever...

Dating My Boricua, He did ( and still DOES ) make happy. Here we were dating for just ONE WEEK.... See the RED pot? and my RED lips? can you feel the love in the air?

In our wedding at the Court House, with this kiss, I became Mrs. Santiago. Loved that RED suit. A present from My Boricua...

Our Church Wedding.... Do you know The US marine Corps has decorated their dress uniform pants with RED lines along the side that signifies the loss of American marines during the battle of Chapultepec in Mexico? Los NiƱos Heroes de Chapultepec was the name of my elementary school in Mexico.

My parents, Christmas Eve 1999.... My dear Daddy last Chirstmas, He passed away on dec. 26th. 1999. I was away in NC when this happened, I was following My Marine, He received orders from California to North Carolina and I missed the last 2 years of His life, but I don't regreted anymore, I spent my first 23 years with Him and He did make sure we had a happy life.

And finally.... WOW!!! this sunset 2 day ago was amazing, it was heavenly.

Tuesday, June 8, 2010

Quiet Rednesday...

Well everything is quiet lately. After my finger and toe incident. It seems and feels so calm.

On June 17th. at 8 am, My Boricua will have a medical exam at the VA Hospital. This will define the pending claims and at some extend our future. We want to relocate close to my family, somewhere in California where the weather is warmer.

So to keep my mental sanity I have been...

cooking 'comfort foods' like Mexican rice. Onion, cilantro, Anaheim (California) peppers, tomatoes, chickien bullion with tomato, tomato sauce are the ingredients for this delicious dish.

pampering My Boricua with his favorite Mexican dishes like this Caldo de Res and Arroz, Beef stew with Mexican Rice in my red tray.

enjoying the delicious food our city offers.

delighting in beautiful sunsets. ( Oswego NY. )

finding little treasures in thrift stores like these placemats and a tablecloth for Christmas with my favorite The Poinsettia or as we call it in Mexico "Flor de Nochebuena" ( The Good Night Flower).

looking back at my pictures to get inspired again. (wall in our previous home with my collection of suns and a red wall. I loved that house unfortunately there were many issues as you can see on the dining room ceiling.)

Happy Rednesday....